

어와나 (AWANA) 

 디모데 후서 2:15장에 바탕을 두고어린 자녀들이 하나님의 말씀 배우고 암송하여 말씀 중심의 예수님의 제자로 성장하는 목적을 가지고 있습니다.  매주 수요일 저녁 7시에, 3살이상 자녀부터 6학년까지그리고 중학교 고등학교 학생들은 학생 교사로 섬기고 있습니다.  말씀을 배우는 전체 모임어와나에서 나온 학년별 핸드북으로 말씀을 암송하는 스몰그룹그리고 팀워크를 배워가는 게임시간으로 이루어져 있습니다.  어와나는 이세상의 가치관이 아닌말씀으로 무장하는  그리스도의 군사를 키워내는 사역입니다. 

AWANA stands for Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15).  The young children are trained to memorize the Bible verses to grow to be Christ Followers in their lives. We meet every Wednesday at 7 pm.  Children from three to 6th graders participate in different clubs, and middle and high schoolers serve as student leaders.  AWANA night includes large group time in that they learn about the biblical foundation, small group time that each child works on their handbooks and memorizes the bible verses and game time that the children learn and enjoy fun games.  You can find more information on awana.org


어와나 (AWANA) 

 디모데 후서 2:15장에 바탕을 두고어린 자녀들이 하나님의 말씀 배우고 암송하여 말씀 중심의 예수님의 제자로 성장하는 목적을 가지고 있습니다.  매주 수요일 저녁 7시에, 3살이상 자녀부터 6학년까지그리고 중학교 고등학교 학생들은 학생 교사로 섬기고 있습니다.  말씀을 배우는 전체 모임어와나에서 나온 학년별 핸드북으로 말씀을 암송하는 스몰그룹그리고 팀워크를 배워가는 게임시간으로 이루어져 있습니다.  어와나는 이세상의 가치관이 아닌말씀으로 무장하는  그리스도의 군사를 키워내는 사역입니다. 

AWANA stands for Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15).  The young children are trained to memorize the Bible verses to grow to be Christ Followers in their lives. We meet every Wednesday at 7 pm.  Children from three to 6th graders participate in different clubs, and middle and high schoolers serve as student leaders.  AWANA night includes large group time in that they learn about the biblical foundation, small group time that each child works on their handbooks and memorizes the bible verses and game time that the children learn and enjoy fun games.  You can find more information on awana.org

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